
Company Secretary

Reliable corporate secretary is essential for meeting all statutory filing requirements. We assist companies by providing the necessary advice on compliance matters and corporate secretarial services to ensure conformity of corporate governance and Company Act requirement.

Our Corporate Secretarial Services include:
- Incorporation of Singapore and Malaysia Companies
- Preparation of Statutory Documents, Resolutions and Annual General Meetings (AGM)
- Preparation and Submission of Annual Returns to the Registry of Companies
- Striking-off of Companies
- Safe Custody of Statutory Records
- Share transfers
- Company information search
- Name searches
- Permanent Residence, employment and dependent pass application
- Licenses Application
- Advisory on compliance requirements

You entitle the following benefits and documents:
- Acting your company Statutory Secretary
- Regular update registers and minute book
- Preparing statutory documents and arrange for directors/shareholders’ signature
- Attend to routine secretarial filing with the local authority
- Arrange for AGM and submission of annual returns with the local authority
- A safe place to keep all your statutory records and common seal
- Free advisory on general corporate secretary matter
- Monitoring the filing deadlines for the company
- Special discounted rate for accounting, income tax, GST and Payroll reporting services

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Accounting image

Need a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) to take care of your accounts? We not only offer comprehensive accounting and book-keeping services for you but also assist you to prepare quarterly GST return and submit to IRAS professionally. Our CPA Manager to take care of your company's accounts...



Does your company need to appoint an Auditors? Looking for Licensed Auditors to perform Audit for your Company's Accounts professionally? We not only help you to perform Audit to meet Statutory Requirement but also assist you to identify the weakness of control and analysis of your accounts...



Intend to set-up / incorporate a Business or 'Pte Ltd'? Looking for a Professional Firm to Act as your Company Secretary and assist you to file the business matter to ACRA professionally? Need a Professional to assist you to prepare XBRL Report? We can take care of it, so that you can focus of your core business that you know best....



Looking for a professional tax agent to prepare Tax Computation, Form C and submit to IRAS?

We could act as your tax agent and assist you to prepare Income Tax Computation and Form C to ensure the company compliance with the Authorities' Requirement.
